The Home > Internet Radio menu also offers a selection of Internet radio
services, including RadioIO, RadioTime, Live365, and SHOUTCast. These
services help you find radio stations. Some of them offer the ability to create
an account so you can manage lists of stations and take advantage of other
personalization options. For more information, and to get started setting up
the radio services, sign in to SqueezeNetwork at www.squeezenetwork.com
and select Accounts.
Music Services
Online music services provide an interactive experience that goes beyond
ordinary Internet radio. To sign up for these services, sign in to your
SqueezeNetwork account at www.squeezenetwork.com and select Accounts.
Experience unrestricted access to the entire Rhapsody catalog. From hip-hop
to rock, jazz to country, Rhapsody gives you millions of songs from thousands
of artists to play anywhere in your home. We offer a 30-day free trial of
Rhapsody is currently available only in the U.S.
Pandora Radio
Pandora is a music discovery service designed to help you find and enjoy
music that you’ll love. It’s powered by the Music Genome Project, the most
comprehensive analysis of music ever undertaken. Just tell us one of your
favorite songs or artists and we’ll launch a streaming station to explore that
part of the music universe. We offer a 30-day free trial of Pandora.
Pandora is currently available only in the U.S.
Slacker is the world’s first Personal Radio company, providing a new kind of
radio that enables consumers to play highly personalized music everywhere.
Slacker is currently available only in the U.S.