During the pallet operation [Increment by Point Job], the tool unit can move as shown in the figure on
the previous page.
The tool unit returns to P1 before it moves to the next position each time. (P1 → P2 (P2-1) → P1 →
P2-2 → P1 → P2-3, and so on.)
Below are the pallet commands used for [Increment by Point Job.]
Command Parameter
Increase the counter one by one. Unless
the counter has reached the maximum
number, the arm will move to the specified
Pallet Number,
go Point Number
resPallet Pallet Number Reset the counter to “0.”
incPallet Pallet Number
Increase the counter by one.
The following 2 variables are unique to pallet control.
[palletCount(n)]: Numeric type variable which has the counter value of Pallet (Number n)
The counter of Pallet (Number n) is not at the maximum=OFF (false)
The counter of Pallet (Number n) is at the maximum=ON (true)
[paletteFlag(n)]: Boolean variable which has the following contents.
In the following example of point job data, the robot picks the workpiece up from P1 (set #genout1)
and places it at P2 (reset #genOut1) on the pallet of [Increment by Point Job] as shown in the figure.
Point Job Data (for P1 setting)
set #genOut1 Holds (picks up) the workpiece.
Point Job Data (for P2 setting)
reset #genOut1
loopPallet 10,1
Releases (places) the workpiece.
Increases the counter of Pallet 10 by one.
If the counter reaches the maximum, it goes on to
the next command. In this case, the point job
ends because there is no next command.
If the counter is not at maximum, it moves to P1.
Shifting by “loopPallet” (shift to P1 in case of point job data for the above P2 setting) is complied
with “PTP Condition” in the program data.
Features II CARTESIAN Benchtop Robot