Pulley and Belt
Part Numbers
Item Alpha Code(s) Part Number Description
DM-016 ARL, CLQ, PIR, PIN, APR, ACR 0K66-01005-0000 Crank Pulley
DM-017 ARL, CLQ, PIR, PIN, APR, ACR 0017-00101-1891 Pad Mounting Screw
DM-018 ARL, CLQ, PIR, PIN, APR, ACR 0017-00101-1891 Pad Mounting Screw
DM-019 ARL, CLQ, PIR, PIN, APR, ACR AK66-00003-0001 Crank-hub/ Bearing/ Shaft Assembly
DM-020 ARL, CLQ, PIR, PIN, APR, ACR 0017-00101-1881 Stabilizer Mounting Screw
DM-021 ARL, CLQ, PIR, PIN, APR, ACR 0017-00104-0469 Washer
DM-022 ARL, CLQ, PIR, PIN, APR, ACR 0017-00009-0837 Poly -V Drive Belt
DM-023 ARL, CLQ, PIR, PIN, APR, ACR AK66-00139-0000 Clutch & Pulley Assembly
When ordering DM-001 or DM-002, please make sure to also order DM-007