Getting Started With the Web Interface
5.3.2 Create or Change Sensor Names
The Sensor Names feature allows you to create a name to help identify a sensor. This name is dis-
played throughout the Web interface and in notifications sent by pager or e-mail.
To access the Sensor Names window, log in (see 5.1 - Open the Web Interface and Log In) and:
• Click on the Sensors tab at the top of the Web interface, as shown below.
• Click on the Sensor Names button on the left side of the window. The right side of the window
displays text boxes where you may enter names for sensors that will be connected to the sensor
Each type of sensor has a text box with numbers corresponding to the Sensor 1 and Sensor 2 ports
on the back of the unit—also Sensor 3 and Sensor 4 for the vEM-14 controller. For example, Tem-
perature 1 corresponds to any temperature sensor connected to the Sensor 1 port. The following
table shows which text boxes correspond to each type of sensor available from Liebert (also see
Table 3).
If you have a temperature and humidity combination sensor, you may enter a name for each type
of sensor in the appropriate port box. For example, if you want to connect the combination sensor
into the Sensor 2 port, enter a name for the humidity sensor in the Humidity 2 box and for the
temperature sensor in the Temperature 2 box.
• For each sensor that you wish to name, click in the appropriate text box and enter a name. The
name cannot exceed 12 characters in length. (To rename a sensor, select all characters and enter
a new name.)
• To delete a name, select all characters and press the Delete key.
• Click on the Apply button to keep your changes. (Or click Reset to cancel the changes.)
•Click the Close button to exit the Sensor Names window and return to the Sensor Data window.
For these Liebert sensors:
Use these text boxes:
Port 1 Port 2
• Contact closure sensor Dry Contact 1 Dry Contact 2
• Temperature & Humidity combination sensor
• Humidity sensor
Humidity 1 Humidity 2
• Temperature & Humidity combination sensor
• Temperature sensor
Temperature 1 Temperature 2
Sensors tab
Names for sensors
on Sensor 2 port
Names for sensors
on Sensor 1 port