
Glossary of Terms
Channel Lineup
Channels set in the STB memory, via Auto
Tuning/manual editing.
The process of capturing a Master STB
Setup and transferring it to a Target STB
using a USB memory device.
Commercial Mode
A mode of operation that provides a broad
range of commercial STB features based
on control (settings) provided by the PTC
and/or an MPI control device.
The STB’s Central Processing Unit.
Responsible for the presentation of video
and audio from content received via the
STB’s tuner or Aux inputs.
E-Z Installation
Enables STB congurationandsoftware/
models from a Pro:Centric server. Managed
and administered via the Pro:Centric Admin
EZ-Manager Wizard
Lodging model STBcongurationwizard
Pro:Centric operation as well as an option
for using a USB memory device to
FTG Channel Map
Typically refers to a logical channel mapping
of physical RF channels. This allows digital
channels, like analog channels, to be tuned
without requiring the dash key. Also, chan-
nels (analog or digital) can be arranged in
any order that seems logical for customer
FTG Mode
LG commercial STB mode that enables
decryption of Pro:Idiom encrypted channels
and uses logical channel mapping. LG’s
proprietary PC software is required for
Function Menu
Available via Installer Remote “MENU” key.
Indicates the STB is not in Pass-through
Mode. Restricts menu options to a subset
of the STB setup menus, allowing users
to retain functional control, while disabling
setup options.
Installer Menu
DenescommercialSTB functionality
based on the parameters set.
LG Free-To-Guest (FTG)
Refers to a particular commercial mode of
operation within an LG STB. See also FTG
Logical Channel Number
A number assigned to either a physical or
virtual channel number in a Logical Chan-
nel Map.
Major Channel Number
Typically, the RF channel number assigned
to a digital video stream.
Master STB
An STB whose Channel Map and Installer
Menu and STB setup menu settings have
beenconguredasaMasterSTB Setup for
cloning purposes.
Minor Channel Number
A sub-channel or program number assigned
to the content embedded in the digital video
Multiple Protocol Interface. An MPI port or,
for some STB models, an MPI card slot
provides external control options for solution
Multiple Television Interface. SONIFI
Solutions, Inc. proprietary protocol used
(typically labeled “DATA”) port.
Pass-through Mode
The STB’s factory default mode of opera-
tion. STBscanbeconguredforstand-
alone use or as Master STBs for cloning
purposes, and/or STBs may be controlled
externally in this mode.
Physical Channel Number
The major channel number assigned to
speciedby either the broadcast or CATV
channel plan. See CEA (formerly EIA) or
Pro:Centric Application
LG content delivery and communication
interface that provides interactive entertain-
ment, weather, amenities, etc. information
for end users. (Powered by Pro:Centric
Pro:Centric Admin Client
Web editor/content wizard provided for
of Pro:Centric application elements.
Zenith proprietary security software that
unlocks access to premium content to help
assure rapid, broad deployment of HDTV
and other high-value digital content.
Protocol Translator Card. The commercial
controller (microprocessor) of the com-
mercial STB.
Target STB
An STB to which a Master STB Setup will
be transferred.
STB Setup Menus
Available via Installer Remote “MENU” key
in Pass-through Mode only. Menus provide
access to setup and functional features of
the STB.
USB Memory Device
etc. that can be used for STBconguration
purposes (typically cloning or FTG Mode
Virtual Channel Number
An alias (virtual) channel number provided
in the data stream, by the broadcaster, of a
digital broadcast channel to be displayed
by consumer STBs in place of the physical
channel number. The major number is the
same as the original analog channel
number and the minor number is the nth
program available in that digital video