Smart Features (continued)
Override Smart Grid Mode
If you want the refrigerator to ignore the Demand
Response signal from the utility company, you
can override the Smart Grid function by pushing
the Smart Grid button while the refrigerator is in
Smart Grid mode.
When you override the Smart Grid function, the
refrigerator ignores the Demand Response signal
and is no longer controlled by the utility company
until the next Demand Response signal is sent.
You can also override the Smart Grid function
using the smart phone app.
Open API
You can manage Smart Grid features for the LG
Smart Refrigerator.
Please check the detailed specifications on the
notice page on us.smartthinq.com.
API list :
Demand response
- Send demand response signal
Power saving
- Set saving mode
- Get schedule of DR/Delay Defrost
Energy monitoring
- Get setting temperature
- Get door open event
- Get energy consumption
Delay defrost capability
- Insert an delay defrost schedule event
- Update an delay defrost schedule event
- Delete an delay defrost schedule event
- Get the delay defrost schedule
Smart Grid Application Features
Smart Saving_Demand Response
You can lower energy usage based on
Demand Response (DR) signals from the
utility company.
If the refrigerator is operating in Smart
Saving mode according to the DR signal,
you can see a pop up.
Smart Saving_Delay Defrost
Lower energy usage based on time period.
Energy monitoring
The refrigerator can check number of door
openings and power consumption.
Remote Control
You can control the Refrigerator
Temperature, Fresh Air Filter and Ice Plus
from the smart phone app.
Push messages.
- When the door is open over ten minutes,
you will receive a push message.
- When Ice Plus is finished, you will receive
a push message.
Open Source Software Notice
To obtain the source code under GPL, LGPL,
MPL and other open source licenses, that is
contained in this product, please visit http://
In addition to the source code, all referred license
terms, warranty disclaimers and copyright notices
are available for download.
LG Electronics will also provide open source
code to you on CD-ROM for a charge covering
the cost of performing such distribution (such as
the cost of media, shipping and handling) upon
email request to opensource@lge.com. This offer
is valid for three (3) years from the date on which
you purchased the product.