Installer Menu (Cont.)
When Hospital Mode is enabled and the TV is in Pass-through
Mode, channel banks are also available. Refer to channel banks
information in this document for further details.
Channel banks are not supported if Hospital Mode is set to 0 or on
TVs that are congured for FTG Mode operation.
When Hospital Mode is set to 0 (disabled), both the IR code
that will control the TV and the speaker selection depend on the
Installer Menu item 020 FEATURE LEVEL setting.
Note: The default setting (254) is not selectable in the Installer
Menu. If you ever need to restore the default setting, you must set
item 117 FACT DEFAULT to 1 to reload the factory default settings.
See item 117 description for further information.
Note: In the Installer Menu, an informational code is displayed
at the right of each Hospital Mode value. Each code consists of
three characters. The rst character—T, P, or B—identies the
speaker: TV, Pillow, or Both. The second character—Z, P, R,
or D—identies the pillow speaker code: Zenith, Philips, RCA, or
Disabled. The third character—1 or 2—identies the bed number.
In the table on the previous page, each bolded character represents
an element of the Hospital Mode code.
028 - CH. OVERIDE (Channel Override)
Applicable for Pass-through Mode only. If set to 1, users can select
channels either with Channel Up/Down or by direct keypad entry.
This setting also allows full access to channel settings in the TV
setup menus (i.e., channels may be added or removed from the
channel lineup, channel labels and icons may be edited, etc.).
If set to 0, the channel lineup is locked. That is, user access to
channel settings in the TV setup menus is restricted, and users can
only tune to the channels that are included in the channel lineup.
Also, in this case, if the channel lineup has not been transferred to
the PTC (via 2-5-5 + MENU Mode, as described in the Master TV
Setup procedure) users can only select channels using Channel
Up/Down; direct keypad entry is not available.
029 - OLD OCV (On Command Video™)
Set to 1 to remap the PTC’s direct tune channels for Aux inputs
from 13x to 9x. This allows 2-digit only tuning systems (i.e., legacy
OCV) to direct tune Aux inputs. See also Reference section, “TV
Aux Input Conguration.”
030 - ACK MASK
MPI Communication Parameter. When set to 1, enables ACK
feature of MPI.
MPI Communication Parameter. Selects poll rate for MPI. Step size
of 16 ms. Changing from default may affect communication via MPI.
MPI Communication Parameter. Sets baud rate for MPI. Step size
of 4.3 uS. Changing from default may affect communication via MPI.
Set to 1 to enable HDMI 1 input in DTV Mode. Set to 2 to enable
HDMI 1 input in PC Mode. Set to 0 to disable display panel HDMI
1 input.
039 - REAR AUX EN. (Rear Aux Enable)
Set to 1 to enable display panel rear Aux (Video 1) input. Set to 0
to disable display panel rear Aux (Video 1) input.
Set to 0 to disable the SIMPLINK feature. Set to 1 to enable
SIMPLINK functionality without enabling remote control access to
the SIMPLINK Menu. Set to 2 to enable both SIMPLINK function-
ality and SIMPLINK Menu access, though note that the Speaker
menu option will be inaccessible/grayed out. Set to 3 to enable
all aspects of SIMPLINK feature and SIMPLINK Menu. If a home
theater device is connected to the TV, users can select either the
TV or HT (home theater) speaker.
Note: When both this item and item 042 AUTO INPUTS are
enabled in the Installer Menu, HDMI inputs will be detected by
SIMPLINK, but the Auto Input(s) Sensing Feature will not function.
Determines the Aux inputs for which auto-sensing is enabled. Set
to 0 to disable auto-sensing for all available inputs. Set to 255 to
enable auto-sensing for all available inputs. For information on
options for individual input settings, refer to Reference section,
“Auto Input(s) Sensing Feature.”
Note: In order for auto-sensing to be enabled for an input, that
input must also be enabled in the Installer Menu. For example, to
enable auto-sensing for HDMI 1, item 035 HDMI1 ENABLE must
also be set to 1 or 2. Also, see note above regarding TV operation
when both this item and item 041 SIMPLINK EN are enabled.
046 - STRT AUX SRCE (Start Aux Source)
Sets the starting Aux source. When turned ON, the TV will tune to
starting Aux source if item 004 STRT CHANNEL is set to 0.
1 = Video 1 4 = RGB 255 = Last Aux
3 = HDMI 1 5 = HDMI 2
Note: Above is applicable only if all Aux sources are enabled.
Note: This item is not available in the Installer Menu unless item
004 STRT CHANNEL is set to 0.
Set to 1 for MPI Aux source to be reported as a channel number
instead of channel 0. Set to 0 to disable Aux identication change.
Controls MPI status channel response for Aux inputs.
053 - DIS. CH-TIME (Disable Channel-Time)
Set to 1 to disable the Channel-Time display; Channel-Time display
will not appear. Set to 0 to enable the Channel-Time display.