
272 IBM 9077 SP Switch Router: Get Connected to the SP Switch
# the protocol
# vc_multiplexed - Use a separate PVC for each protocol
# LLC encapsulated bridging allows any LAN frame type to be transmitted, and
# also allows IP datagrams to be sent directly on the VC. The optional
# ’restriction’ parameter can limit how IP datagrams are routed to the
# interface, and on what kind of LAN frames are transmitted on it.
# The valid values for the restrction parameter are:
# broute_to_ether - Transmit all routed IP datagrams as
# Ethernet frames
# ether_only - Transmit all frames (routed IP datagrams and
# all bridged LAN frames) as Ethernet frames
# broute_to_fddi - Transmit all routed IP datagrams as
# FDDI frames
# fddi_only - Transmit all frames (routed IP datagrams and
# all bridged LAN frames) as FDDI frames
# Note that unless a restriction or an ARP service is specified, an
# LLC-encapsulated bridging interface will only be able to route to the host at
# the other end of the ATM PVC.
#Interface ga090 service=arp0 traffic_shape=high_speed_high_quality
#Interface ga0980 service=net20 traffic_shape=low_speed_high_quality
#Interface ga0a0 service=arp0 traffic_shape=high_speed_high_quality
#Interface ga0a80 service=net20 traffic_shape=low_speed_high_quality
#Interface ga091 traffic_shape=high_speed_high_quality \
# bridge_method=llc_encapsulated,broute_to_ether
# PVC’s
# Lines beginning with the keyword "PVC" define
# Permanent virtual circuits.
# The format of a PVC definition is:
# PVC ifname VPI/VCI \
# proto=ip|raw|vc|ipnllc|isis|llc[,bridging]|vcmux_bridge,bpro|vc_atmp \
# [input_aal=3|5|NONE] [traffic_shape=shape] \
# [dest_if=logical_if [dest_vc=VPI/VCI]]
# The first three parameters (ifname, VPI/VCI, and proto) are mandatory.
# ’ifname’ specifies the GigaRouter ATM logical interface in the usual
# format (e.g., ga030, ga0e80).
# ’VPI/VCI’ specifies the (decimal) Virtual Path Identifier and
# Virtual Circuit Identifier of the PVC, separated by a slash (/).
# ’proto’ specifies the protocol to be supported on this PVC. Legal
# values are:
# ’ip’ Internet Protocol (with LLC/SNAP headers)
# ’raw’ raw adaptation layer (AAL-5 or AAL-3/4) packets
# ’isis’ IS-IS packets
# ’llc’ any LLC-encapsulated protocol supported by the GRF