
Chapter 10 Email Alerting
FPS-3003 USB MFP server can send some email messages to the user
while the following events occurs
1. Add/Remove USB device: When add new USB device or
remove current USB device, the server will send the mail to
notify the user.
2. System Error: When there are some errors occur in the server,
the server will send the mail to notify the user.
Chapter 11 SNMP
FPS-3003 USB MFP server runs the daemon of SNMP server that
supports the SNMP v1, v2c and v3 protocols (Simple Network
Management Protocol). Users can use SNMP client software as actual
management tool such as HP Openview to management your MFP
server. The FPS-3003 MFP servers support all relevant parts of MIB-II
and a private FPS-3003 MFP server MIB. You can set value of some
MIB variables from the server’s web pages or LevelOne MFP Control
Center Tool.