Fruit Preparation Average Drying Test for Dryness
Time (Hrs)
Apples Peel if desired. Core. Cut slices, rings 4 - 10 Leathery, no moisture
or chop into pieces. when cut
Apricots Do not peel. Halve and pit. 8 - 16 Leathery, pliable
Turn inside out or cut silces.
Bananas Peel. Cut into slices 1/8” - 1/4”. 6- 12 Leathery, slighty sticky
in the center, brittle
Firm Skin (Blueberries, cranberries, etc) 10 -18 Hard
Berries Sort. Poke skin or place in boiling
water for 1-2 min. Blot dry.
Berries Leave whole. 10 - 18 Hard
Cantaloupe Cut in half. Remove seeds and peel 8 - 20 Leathery, suede-like
Cut slices. Blot dry on paper towel.
Cherries Wash, pit and remove stems. Poke 20 - 26
skin or place in boiling water for
1-2 min. Blot dry.
Citrus Fruit Peel, if desired. Cut into slices. 6 - 12 Hard
Coconut Remove Outer Skin. Slice. 12 - 16
Cranberries Wash. Remove stems. Place in boiling 14 - 22
water for 1 - 2 min. Blot dry.
Grapes Cut in half. Rem
ove seeds. Place cut side 10 - 36 Raisin-like texture
up. Seedless green are better than red
or black. Poke skin or place in boiling
water 1 -2 min. Blot dry.
Kiwi Peel. Cut into slices. Slice 1/4” - 3/8 thick. 13 - 17
Mangos Remove skin and slice. 10 - 18
Melons Remove skin and seeds. Use deepest 12 - 16
tray for watermelon. Cut in slices as
thick as deep tray size will allow.
Peaches Peel, if desired. For easy peeling, dip in 6 - 16 Leathery, may be slightly
boiling water until skin cracks. Cut in sticky in center
half. Pit. Cut in slices.
Pears Wash. Peel if desired. Core. Cut in slices 6 - 16 Leathery, no moisture
or rings. when cut
Pineapple Remove crown, skin & eyes. Cut in half. 6 - 12 Pliable, stil slightly sticky.
Cut in slices, leaving core in or remove, No visible signs of
dice or chap and use Mesh Insert
s. moisture
Plums Do not peel. Cut in half. Pit. Turn inside 8 - 16 Leathery, pliable
out or cut in slices.
Rubarb Trim. Wash. Slice diagonally into ¾” 6 - 14 Brittle
pieces. Steam 3 - 4 min. Use Mesh Inserts.
Strawberries Wash. Cut in half. Place cut side up. 6 - 12 Hard, brittle
NOTE: Dry fruit at 125 °. Use average times only as a general guideline. Many
variables can contribute to a large dierence in drying times. To test for dryness:
Remove a piece of fruit. Let it cool. Cut or tear. No visible moisture should be
apparent. Most fruits will still be pliable and leathery. Bananas and strawberries
should be almost crisp.