
v Each FRU is available for all types or models, unless
specific types or models are specified.
v A CRU (customer replaceable unit) is identified by a
single asterisk (*) or two asterisks (**) in the CRU ID
column. An N in the CRU ID column means the part is
not a CRU. A single asterisk (*) means the part is a Tier
1 CRU; two asterisks (**) means the part is a Tier 2
v FRUs marked with OP are available as options.
v FRUs marked with R are RoHS compliant.
a- j See “Miscellaneous parts” on page 253.
1 LCD unit (see “LCD FRUs” on page 220). N
2 Keyboard bezel assembly, 14.1 (for
R50e, R51e)
v 1834-Kxx, Lxx, Q4x, Q5x, Q8x, Q9x,
QBx, QCx
v 1843-22x, 23x, 2Fx, 2Gx, 2Hx, 2Jx,
2Kx, 2Lx, 2Mx, 2Nx, 2Px, 2Qx, 2Rx,
2Sx, 2Tx, 2Ux, 2Vx, 2Wx, 2Xx, 2Yx,
2Zx, 32x, 33x, 34x, 35x, 36x, 37x,
38x, 39x, 3Ax, 3Bx, 3Cx, 3Dx, 3Ex,
3Fx, 3Gx, 3Hx, 3Jx, 3Kx, 3Lx, 3Mx,
v 1844-5Fx, 5Jx
13N5581 N
Keyboard bezel assembly, 15.0 (for
R50e, R51e)
v 1834-Mxx, Q2x, Q3x, Q6x, Q7x, QAx,
Rxx, Sxx
v 1842-Mxx, Qxx
v 1843-24x, 25x, 26x, 27x, 28x, 29x,
2Ax, 2Bx, 2Cx, 2Dx, 2Ex, 3Nx, 3Px,
3Qx, 3Rx, 3Sx, 3Tx, 3Ux, 3Vx, 3Wx,
3Xx, 3Yx, 3Zx, 4xx, 5xx
v 1844-5Gx, 5Hx
v 1845-5Kx
13N5584 N
Parts list
ThinkPad R50e, R51e and R52 Series 161