
About this manual
This manual contains service and reference information for Lenovo 3000 N100 and
N200 (MT 0689, 0768, and 0769). Use this manual along with the advanced
diagnostic tests to troubleshoot problems.
The manual is divided into sections as follows:
v The common sections provide general information, guidelines, and safety
information required in servicing computers.
v The product-specific section includes service, reference, and product-specific
parts information.
This manual is intended for trained service personnel who are familiar with
Lenovo 3000 products. Use this manual along with the advanced diagnostic
tests to troubleshoot problems effectively.
Before servicing a Lenovo 3000 product, be sure to review the safety
information under “Safety notices: multilingual translations” on page 5,
“Safety information” on page 11, and “Laser compliance statement” on page
Important service information
BIOS and device driver fixes are customer-installable. The BIOS and device
drivers are posted on the customer support site http://www.lenovo.com/
Advise customers to contact the Customer Support Center at 800-426-7378 if
they need assistance in obtaining or installing any software fixes, drivers, and
BIOS downloads.
Customers in Canada should call the Customer Support Center at
800-565-3344 for assistance or download information.
Strategy for replacing FRUs
Before replacing parts
Make sure that all software fixes, drivers, and BIOS downloads are installed
before replacing any FRUs listed in this manual.
Use the following strategy to prevent unnecessary expense for replacing and
servicing FRUs:
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