mIn bI
+DS44? Current values
+DS44=? List of support values
Fax Class 1 mIn
+FAE=n Data/Fax Auto Answer
+FCLASS=n Service Class
+FRH=n Receive data with HDLC framing
+FRM=n Receive data
+FRS=n Receive silence
+FTH=n Transmit data with HDLC framing
+FTM=n Transmit data
+FTS=n Stop transmission and wait
Fax Class 2 mIn
+FCLASS=n Services class.
+FAA=n Adaptive answer.
+FAXERR Fax error value.
+FBOR Phase C data bit order.
+FBUF? Buffer size (read only).
+FCFR Indicate confirmation to receive.
+FCLASS= Service class.
+FCON Facsimile connection response.
+FCIG Set the polled station identification.
+FCIG: Report the polled station identification.
+FCR Capability to receive.
+FCR= Capability to receive.
+FCSI: Report the called station ID.
+FDCC= DCE capabilities parameters.
+FDCS: Report current session.
+FDCS= Current session results.
+FDIS: Report remote capabilities.
+FDIS= Current sessions parameters.
+FDR Begin or continue phase C receive data.
+FDT= Data transmission.
+FDTC: Report the polled station capabilities.
+FET: Post page message response.
+FET=N Transmit page punctuation.
NO A. v? p) mIn 75