C-16 A-61167 April 2005
Imprinting overview Many applications with capture needs up to 10,000 pages per day, particularly
in the finance, insurance, and public administration industries, require an
imprinter. Furthermore, forms processing applications in all areas can benefit
from the use of an imprinter.
The Kodak i200 Series Imprinter is unique in that the document print string can
be configured to include both literal (static) information (i.e., information that
stays the same for each document, such as batch name, scan station, or
operator) and dynamic information (i.e., information that may change for each
page scanned, such as sequential document number). Software controls static
fields; any information that the software allows you to enter can be sent to the
imprinter. The imprinter can be manually placed in 14 horizontal positions.
All imprinter controls and functions are accessible through ISIS and TWAIN
drivers. Imprinting must be enabled or disabled for each scan session.
A maximum of 40 characters, which can include any alphanumeric and special
characters from the printable character set (see chart below), is allowed.
Imprinter information is posted to an image header record, which is accessible
via the host computer.
Print characters Characters can be printed in two orientations, Cine (no rotation) or Comic
(90× rotation), and two sizes, Small (regular) and Large (bold), and are
designed to fit seven characters per inch when printed in Comic orientation.
Imprinting cannot be done within 0.89 cm (0.35 in.) of the leading or trailing
edge of the document.
Printable Character Set
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