© Leica TPS-System 1000 Programs-2.3.1en 33
2/10 : Sequence number of the current point
and total number of points in the
measurement set. The scroll bar shows
the sequential position of the
measurements, graphically.
Use for Ht. : Use this measurement for height
determination (YES/NO)
Status : Use this measurement for calculation
Point no : The target point number.
Error Flag : Identified erroneous measurements.
Possible values are:
NONE measurement is OK
HZ horizontal angle error
DIST distance error
HT height difference error
The flags may also be combined, i.e.
∆ Hz. : Difference between calculated and
measured horizontal angle
∆ Distance : Difference between calculated and
measured distance
∆ Height : Difference between calculated and
measured height
Refl. Ht. : Reflector height used for the target
Easting, Northing, Elevation: Target coordinates used.
Recalculate the result.
Scroll to the measurements of the previous point.
Scroll to the measurements of the following point.
Measure more points. Return to the dialog "Target
Delete a point from the set of measurements. You can
now measure a new point in its place.
Exit the program.