MSS User Guide 4: Configuration
A properly installed modem card will be treated like an additional MSS serial port. If only
one card is installed, it will always appear as Port 5. The Show Port and Logout Port
commands will respond appropriately to the modem card ports.
The modem ports will always have modem control enabled and should respond to a
standard Hayes-style AT command set. However, you should not configure the modem—
its default configuration will work properly with the MSS. If you change the reply codes
and status strings, the MSS may not be able to respond correctly. This is in contrast to
most other types of PC cards, which the MSS cannot use until properly configured.
SDK users can access the ports by using device “tt4” for Port 5 or “tt5” for Port 6. See
your SDK documentation for more information on the SDK environment.
Incoming Calls
The MSS will attempt to answer any incoming call that it detects. You will get a Local>
prompt after the modems are fully connected.
Outgoing Calls
To make a call from the MSS modem port, you must connect to the modem card via
To connect to the modem from the network, Telnet to the modem port (port 2005).
Figure 4-78: Connecting to the Modem
% telnet 2005