Manual No. 701-186M
Assembly Instructions
Land Pride
Clutch Operation
Never pull out or wind wire rope in without using the hook
strap. Never put your fingers in the cable hook or wrap the
hook strap around your fingers. Grab the hook strap in
such a way that it can pull free from your hand. Personal
injury may result if this warning is not followed.
Spool Knob
The winch is supplied with a spool knob on one end for
engaging the clutch and setting the clutch in freespool.
Never turn knob to freespool when a load is present.
Refer to Figure 1: Engage motor by turning knob fully
counterclockwise to “Engage”. Wire rope can be
powered in or out. Always spool rope in at the bottom of
the wire rope drum.
Refer to Figure2: Disengage motor byturning knob fully
clockwise to “Freespool”. Wire rope can then be spooled
out freely with a hook strap.
Spooling Out
Freespooling isgenerally the quickestand easiest wayto
spool wire rope out.
• Set spool knob to “Engage” and power out enough wire
rope to release any rope tension.
• Set spool knob to “Freespool”, connect hook strap (See
Figure 3) to the hookand pull rope out in such away that
the strap can pull free from your hand.
Spooling In Under Load
• Set spool knob to “Engage” and power wire rope evenly
and tightly onto the drum. This prevents the outer wire
wraps fromdrawing into theinner wraps causing binding
and damage to the wire rope.
• Avoid shock loads while taking up wire rope slack by
using the control switch intermittently. Shock loads can
exceed winch and rope ratings.
• Line up pulls as straight ahead as possible and stop
winching if wire rope comes close to the winch cross
rods or mount. Correct uneven rope stacking by
spooling out that section of rope and repositioning it to
the opposite end of the drum to free up space.
• Release switch when hook is a minimum of 4 feet from
the fairlead opening. Follow instructions for “Spooling in
Remainder for Storage” on the right side of this page.
Spooling In Under No Load
Refer to Figure 3:
Assisted: Set spool knob to “Engage”. Have your
assistant hold the hook with the hook strap to keep the
IMPORTANT: It is important that the knob is fully
engaged or fully disengaged before operating the
unit. Otherwise the unit can be damaged.
rope tight while winding it in. Release the switch when the
hook is a minimum of 4 feet from the fairlead opening.
Follow “Spooling in Remainder for Storage” below.
Unassisted: Set spool knob to “Engage”. Arrange wire
rope to be spooled in without kinking or tangling. Spool
enough wire rope in to complete one full layer on the
drum. Tighten and straighten the layer. Repeat process
until the hook is a minimum of 4 feet from the fairlead
opening. Follow “Spooling in Remainder for Storage”
Spooling in Remainder for Storage
Refer to Figure 3:
Keep hands clear of wire rope, hook and fairlead
opening. Using the hook strap, carefully power in the
remaining wire rope, jogging the control switch totake up
the last of the slack. Secure hook to a suitable anchor
point near the winch. Be careful not to over tighten or
damage may occur to the wire rope and/or anchor point.
Spool Knob Shown in Freespool
Figure 1
Spool Knob Shown Engaged
Figure 2
Proper Use of Hook Strap
Figure 3