Device Settings
In Device Settings, under Device options, select a finisher that supports
punch. Or if already selected, double-click the blue text.
Depending on the punch unit attached, select one option:
No punch option available in the Finishing tab.
2 hole
2 hole option available in the Finishing tab.
2 & 3 hole
2 hole and 3 hole options available in the Finishing tab (inches based).
2 & 4 hole
2 hole and 4 hole options available in the Finishing tab (metric based).
Click OK.
Setting up Custom Boxes
You can create up to 1000 custom boxes for storing print jobs. Custom boxes
can be assigned to users who can print the jobs later from the printing system's
operation panel.
In Device Settings, select Hard disk. Or if selected, double-click Hard disk.
In the Hard Disk Settings dialog box, click Add.
In the Defined custom boxes list, a new Box number and Box name appear.
If desired, change the number and name in the Box number and Box name
boxes. The number must be within a range of 1 to 1000, and the name length
can be up to 32 characters. You can also type a user name up to 20 characters.
Select Shared box to enable the box for multiple users.
Check box selected: All network users can save jobs in the box.
Check box clear: Only the box owner and network administrator can save jobs
in the box.
To require users of a shared box to type a password before printing, select
Require password, and type a password up to 16 characters.
Click OK in the Hard Disk Settings and Properties dialog boxes.
The new custom box appears in the Custom Box dialog box when printing.
You can remove a custom box by selecting it in the Defined custom boxes
list and clicking Delete.
You can import a custom box list by clicking Import and browsing for a valid
custom box list file (.CSV or .KXU).
You can save the current custom box list (.CSV or .KXU) in your computer or
network by clicking Export. A saved list can be imported into another printer