Better Buys for Business
Entire Contents © 2006 Prog
e Business Pub
. Copying of Pages Prohibited. To Order: 800 247 2185 or www.betterbuys.com
Model Gestetner
List price $999 $1,199 $3,495
Street price (October 2006) $699 $999 $2,899
Full-color print engine speed
(pages per minute)
22ppm 26ppm 28ppm
Black-only print engine speed
(pages per minute)
22ppm 26ppm 32ppm
First page out Black: 14 seconds Color: 15 seconds Black: 11 seconds Color: 16 seconds Black: 11 seconds Color: 12 seconds
Printing technology Laser Laser Laser
Engine manufacturer Ricoh Ricoh Ricoh
um resolution
1,200dpi 1,200dpi 1,200dpi
Processor 533MHz 600MHz 733MHz
Standard memory 128MB 256MB 256MB
Maximum memory 512MB 512MB 512MB
Hard drive 20GB ($315 list) 40GB ($815 list) 40GB ($599 list)
PostScript PostScript 3 (standard) PostScript 3 (standard) PostScript 3 (standard)
Ethernet Standard Standard Standard
Wireless IEEE 802.11b (optional)
Bluetooth (optional)
IEEE 802.11b (optional)
Bluetooth (optional)
IEEE 802.11b (optional)
Bluetooth (optional)
USB interface Standard Standard Standard
Integrated copy function Optional Optional Optional
Standard paper supply 1 x 630 1 x 550 2 x 500
Optional paper supply Up to 2 x 530 ($375 each, list) 2 x 550 ($390 each, street) 2 x 500 ($745 each, or $1,245 both, list)
1 x 2,000 ($1,245 list)
Bypass 1 x 100 1 x 100 1 x 100
11" x 17" paper No No Yes
110 lb. index No No No
Automatic duplex Optional ($230 list) Standard Optional ($300 list)
Output devices 1 x 250 (standard) 1 x 500 (standard) 1 x 100, 1 x 500 (standard)
1 x 2,000 with 50-sheet m
ultiposition stapling
($2,700 street)
1 x 1,000 with 50-sheet multiposition stapling
& booklet mak
er with saddlestitcher ($3,400
2/3-hole punch ($765 list; requires 1 x 2,500)
y duty c
50,000 pages 150,000 pages 200,000 pages
Warranty 1 year (on site) 1 year (on site) 1 year (on site)
ear introduced
2006 2006 2005
Product profile Page 7 Page 7 Page 7