
Kyocera Wireless Corp. 9
jçÇÉã=pÉíìé=dìáÇÉ=Ñçê=íÜÉ=hóçÅÉê~=TNPR=ëã~êíéÜçåÉ Serial Modem Setup
This setup guide provides basic information on installing USB drivers and a USB cable
for use with your Kyocera 7135 smartphone. Review the
eÉäéÑìä=eáåíë=section above. If
you do not find the information you are looking for, you may need to refer to your
computer’s user manual for help setting up your modem connections, etc. Please read
your Kyocera 7135 smartphone user guide to learn about the features and functions of
your phone.
For further assistance, contact the Kyocera Wireless Corp. Customer Care Center:
Phone: (800) 349-4478 (toll-free in the U.S.A. and Canada only) or (858) 882-1401
E-mail: phone-help@kyocera-wireless.com
Web site: www.kyocera-wireless.com
Kyocera Wireless Corp., 10300 Campus Point Drive, San Diego, CA 92121 U.S.A.