
Colour Adjustment - Users can
select from None or one of three
Custom Settings. When a
Custom Setting is selected, this
screen appears. Here, users can
adjust colour in either of two
colour spaces: HSL (Hue,
Saturation, and Lightness) or
RGB (Red, Green, and Blue.)
To adjust Hue, the Master slider
is dragged right or left and
modifies the entire image from
one Hue to another.
By selecting the RGB colour
space, users can adjust the
images within their document in
terms of Red, Green, and Blue
from -10 to +10.
Saturation and Lightness are
adjusted in a similar fashion, and
users have the ability to return all
settings to the default by clicking
the Reset key. The Right/Left
arrows under the picture, toggles
between the crayons, fruit, or a
child’s face, allowing users to choose an image that better represents the image
within their own document.
Colour Reproduction - Users can
choose from seven choices - with
document type recommendations for
Auto 1 Generic Documents
Auto 2 Black Text & Graphs
printed in Black Toner only
Auto 3 Black Text & Graphs printed
in Four Colour (process
Auto 4 Images and Graphs Similar
to Monitor
Picture Image Images, Text, & Graphs similar to Monitor
Text Images, Text, & Graphs in Vivid Colour - Blacks print in
Black Toner only
Chart (Graphic) Prints Images, Text, & Graphs, printed in Vivid Colour -
Blacks printed in Process Black.
FS-C5020N and FS-C5030N Product Guide
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