
Check that the power cable covering is free of damage. Check that the power plug is dust-free. If
it is dirty, clean it to remove the risk of fire or electric shock. ............................................................
Never attempt to disassemble the optical unit in machines using lasers. Leaking laser light may
damage eyesight. ..............................................................................................................................
Handle the charger sections with care. They are charged to high potentials and may cause
electric shock if handled improperly. .................................................................................................
•Wear safe clothing. If wearing loose clothing or accessories such as ties, make sure they are
safely secured so they will not be caught in rotating sections. .........................................................
Use utmost caution when working on a powered machine. Keep away from chains and belts. .......
Handle the fixing section with care to avoid burns as it can be extremely hot. .................................
Check that the fixing unit thermistor, heat and press rollers are clean. Dirt on them can cause
abnormally high temperatures. .........................................................................................................
Do not remove the ozone filter, if any, from the printer except for routine replacement. ..................
2. Precautions for Maintenance
Always remove the power plug from the wall outlet before starting machine disassembly. .............
Always follow the procedures for maintenance described in the service manual and other related
brochures. .........................................................................................................................................
Under no circumstances attempt to bypass or disable safety features including safety
mechanisms and protective circuits. .................................................................................................
Always use parts having the correct specifications...........................................................................
Always use the thermostat or thermal fuse specified in the service manual or other related
brochure when replacing them. Using a piece of wire, for example, could lead to fire or other
serious accident. ...............................................................................................................................
•When the service manual or other serious brochure specifies a distance or gap for installation of a
part, always use the correct scale and measure carefully. ...............................................................
Always check that the printer is correctly connected to an outlet with a ground connection. ...........