
11..33 HHooww ddooeess EERRGGOO wwoorrkk??
ERGO takes a stereo aud
io stream from the analog or digital
(SPDIF or FireWire) domain and processes it though a 96 kHz
room correction algorithm. All incoming analog audio is
sampled at 96 kHz, while incoming digital audio is sample rate
converted up to 96 kHz for processing. If incoming audio comes
in over FireWire, the processed audio is converted to reflect the
output frequency of the ASIO driver, up to 192 kHz. In Digital
Input mode, the output frequency and the audio going to your
monitors is going through digital to analog converters fixed at 96
kHz sample rates.
ERGO’s architecture provides the best audio quality while
maintaining compatibility with existing systems. In fact, the audio
converters used in ERGO are the same as those found in
multi-thousand dollar audio workstation hardware. Rest
assured...you can’t go wrong with ERGO.
to watch ERGO’s
Video Introduction.
11..44 IInnppuutt MMooddeess
ERGO has 3 Input modes (Fig
ure 1);
• FireWire Audio Input
• Analog Input
• Digital Input
11..44..11 FFiirreeWWiirree AAuuddiioo IInnppuutt
In this
mode, ERGO looks like an ASIO audio device under
Windows, or as a CoreAudio device on a Mac. To ensure your
monitor or mastering mixes will be correctly compensated for
your listening environment, it is recommended that you select
ERGO as your DAW main Left/Right outputs or output bus. At
the moment, Windows supports a single ASIO device, so you
must use ERGO as your only audio interface. To use your
existing multichannel audio interface with ERGO, just run ERGO
in Analog or SPDIF Input modes.
11..44..22 AAnnaalloogg IInnppuutt
The Analog Inp
ut mode is the easiest way to implement ERGO
into your existing listening environment. If you already have your
DAW set up just the way you like it, and like your current audio
hardware, just plug the main Left/Right outputs of your DAW
hardware into the ¼” balanced inputs on ERGO. ERGO’s
high-quality converters will maintain the integrity of your mix
while correcting your room’s problems.
11..44..33 DDiiggiittaall IInnppuutt
This is similar
to the Analog Input mode, except that a digital
SPDIF Input is used. The SPDIF on ERGO accepts any input
signal from 44.1 kHz up to 96 kHz. The analog speaker
outputs in this mode will be fixed at a 96 kHz sample rate.
11.. IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn
Figure 1