You can also set the total effect size for a single Timbre to eight. However, if you are routing three Insert
Effects in series, you cannot place an effect of size 4 on the second position. For a Timbre that uses a Drum
mode Program, you can set the total effect size to eight. However, if you are routing three Insert Effects in
series, you cannot place the effect of size 4 on the second position. If you are routing four effects in series,
you cannot place an effect of size 4 on the second or third position.
If you insert a size 1 effect, the input/output becomes monaural. In this case, the Timbre’s Pan parameter
(P1 Timb Param1 in Combination Edit mode) becomes ineffective, and the pan setting will be in the cen-
ter. Adjust the stereo pan position using the Pan parameter (P7 in Combination Edit mode) that comes
after the Insert Effects.
If the Insert Effect output is in stereo, you can control the width of the effect (such as the width of rever-
beration) using the Width parameter (P7 in Combination Edit mode). If you wish to make the oscillator’s
Pan setting (P5 in Program Edit mode) effective, set the Pan setting that comes after the Insert Effects to
C064 and set the Width to 127.
Refer to the “Program - Drums OSC mode” section for information regarding the setting of Programs that
use a DrumKit.
When you are adding Timbres/Tracks that use Single or Double mode Programs to a group of Tim-
bres/Tracks that use Drum mode Programs, they will be grouped (input) into Insert Effect inst1 of
the Timbres/Tracks that use Drum mode Programs.
When you are adding Timbres/Tracks that use Drum mode Programs to a group of Timbres/
Tracks that use Single or Double mode Programs, only DrumKit sounds that have been assigned to
inst1 in P5 of Global mode will be grouped (input) into the Insert Effects of the Timbres/Tracks
that use Single or Double mode Programs.
Master Effects
You need to set the Master Effects in the Combination, since the Master Effects set in Program Edit mode
are ineffective here.
The input levels of the Master Effects are set by Send 1 and 2.
Since the destination of the send routing changes depending on whether Insert Effects have been inserted
or not, the parameters will change accordingly.
If you have inserted Insert Effects, the Send 1 and 2 parameters of P7 in Combination Edit mode will
become effective (those of P1 Timb Param1 will be ignored). If you have not inserted Insert Effects, the
Send 1 and 2 parameters of P1 Timb Param1 in Combination Edit mode will become effective.
The Send 1 and 2 parameters are also used to set the level of signal appearing at output connectors 3 and
Only the Master Effect sound will be sent to output connectors 3 and 4. If you wish to output dry sound
(without the Master Effects applied), set the Master Effect parameters of P8 in Combination Edit mode to
“Off.” In this case, however, the Master Effects will not be applied either to the output 1 or 2 signal.
If output connectors 3 and 4 are used for stereo output, you can set the stereo position of Send 1 and 2
using the Pan 3 and 4 parameters (P8 in Combination Edit mode).
To set the Master Effect return level, use the Return 1 and 2 parameters (P8 in Combination Edit mode).
If you check the check box located between Send 1 and 2 in the upper left corner on the LCD, the serial
routing of Modulation
Reverb/Delay will be added. That is, the Right modulation output will be
added to the Reverb/Delay input. In this case, you can still set the Return 1 and 2 parameters indepen-