
1. CLASSIC 8X10 (CLS 8X10)
A classic cabinet model with eight 10-inch speakers.
2. MODERN 4X10 (MDR 4X10)
A modern cabinet model with four 10-inch speakers.
3. LA 4X10
A model of the LA sound with four 10-inch speakers.
4. METAL 4X10 (MTL 4X10)
Models a cabinet with aluminum-coned four 10-inch speakers.
5. UK 4X12
Models a UK-made cabinet with four 12-inch speakers.
6. STUDIO 1X15 (STUD 1X15)
A model of a studio/combo cabinet with one 15-inch speaker.
7. JAZZ 1X15
Models a jazz/combo cabinet with one 15-inch speaker.
8. AC 2X15
A cabinet model for the AC100 with two 15-inch speakers.
9. UK 4X15
Models a UK-made cabinet with four 15-inch speakers.
10. LA 1X18
A model of the LA sound with one 18-inch speaker.
Models a combination of one 12-inch speaker and one 18-inch speaker.