PC Connection
Under Microsoft Windows
Step :
Insert the CDinto the CD-ROM
Drive. The installation program
should run automatically.Click
Driver tostart with theinstallation.
Step :
Click "OK" to proceed the
installation of DirectX8.1.
Step :
PC Connection
Step :
The computer starts with the
installation of DirectX8.1 if necessary.
If the computer has DirectX 8.0 or later already, the computer will skip
steps 3 and 4 above and go directly to the following window .
Please complete the driver installation by clicking "OK" .
Please select "Yes" and click "Finish" to
restart the computer .
In certain circumstances, the installation program may not run
automatically. If this happens, please go to the Start Menu, click
"Run"and key in "CD-ROM Drive :\Auto Run.exe", where "CD-ROM"
Drive is the letter of your CD-ROM drive(e.g. "D:\AutoRun.exe"). Click
the "OK" Button