
Angle Finder VN / Magnifier VN
The 90° Angle Finder VN allows the
camera to be used in hard-to-view
positions or at low angles.
The Magnifier VN enlarges the
viewfinder image by approx. 2.3X and
is ideal for macro photography, copy-
ing, and telephotography.
Remove the eyepiece cup when attaching a finder accessory.
Push up to remove the eyepiece cup.
Eyepiece Corrector 1000
For eyeglass wearers, an Eyepiece Corrector 1000 can be attached
to the viewfinder. Nine correction lenses are available from - 4 to + 3
Incompatible Accessories
The following accessories are not compatible with this camera.
Remote Cords RC-1000 S/L
Close-up Diffuser CD-1000
•Wireless/Remote Flash Controller
•Off-Camera Cable OC-1100
•Off-Camera shoe OS-1100
•Triple Connector TC-1000
Cable CD
Data Receiver DR-1000
•Wireless Controller IR-1N (WARNING: the use of this accessory can
permanently damage the camera.)
Control Grip CG-1000
•Vertical Control Grip VC-7
Data Saver DS-100
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