
Working With the Printer Status Monitor Center16
Working With the Printer Status Monitor
Printer Status Monitor Center is an application that shows the status of multi-
ple printing devices connected to the host through local ports (USB) or net-
work ports. Printer Status Monitor Center locates network printing devices by
using the Service Location Protocol (SLP), and only supports printing devices
responding to KONICA MINOLTA–specific SLP and PJL queries such as
magicolor 2430 DL and magicolor 5430 DL.
" If a KONICA MINOLTA product is not compatible with both SLP and
KONICA MINOLTA–specific PJL, Printer Status Monitor Center cannot
be used.
System Requirements
Operating System
Windows XP/Server 2003/2000/Me/98SE/NT 4.0
Printer Ports Supported by Printer Status Monitor Center
Ethernet port
USB port
Opening the Printer Status Monitor Center and Showing
the Supplies Status
Follow the appropriate operation described below to open the Printer Status
Monitor Center.
Windows XP/Server 2003—From the Start menu, choose All Pro-
grams, KONICA MINOLTA, magicolor 5430DL, and then Printer Status
Monitor Center.
Windows 2000/Me/98SE/NT 4.0—From the Start menu, choose Pro-
grams, KONICA MINOLTA, magicolor 5430DL, and then Printer Status
Monitor Center.