Using PageScope Web Connection
IC-206 11-75
To change the settings on the Network tab, click the [Apply] button, and
then, after “Updated Successful” appears, click the [Reset] button on the
page that appears after clicking “NIC and Printer Controller Reset” in the
menu under “Maintenance” on the System tab; otherwise, the changes
to the settings will not be applied.
An address search using the LDAP server can be performed from the
Scan tab of PageScope Web Connection.
For the attributes to be specified for “Attribute for Operation Panel” and
“Attribute for Web Tool”, consult with the network administrator.
Port Number Specify the port number (between 1 and 65535) to be used for communi-
cation with the LDAP server.
Enable SSL Select whether or not to use SSL/TLS to communicate with the LDAP serv-
Search Base Specify the starting point for LDAP searches. (maximum 64 characters)
Attribute for Oper-
ation Panel
Specify the attribute for performing LDAP searches from the control panel.
(maximum 32 characters)
Attribute for Web
Specify the attribute for performing LDAP searches from PageScope Web
Connection. (maximum 32 characters)
Search Method Specify the condition for performing LDAP searches. Select “Begin”,
“Contain” or “End” for the item in the search base.
Timeout Specify the amount of time (between 5 and 300 seconds) until an LDAP
search times out.
Maximum Search
Specify the maximum number of items (between 5 and 100) that can be
received as LDAP search results.
Select the LDAP authentication method. The settings that can be specified
differ depending on the selected authentication method. If “anonymous” is
selected, it is not necessary to specify the domain name, logon name and
LDAP Account If any setting other than “anonymous” is selected as the authentication
method, type in the name of the LDAP account. (maximum 255 characters)
Password If any setting other than “anonymous” is selected as the authentication
method, type in the password. (maximum 32 characters)
Domain Name Specify the necessary domain name used to connect to the LDAP server.
(maximum 64 characters)
Item Description