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Playback start, stop, pause
Depending on the inserted disc it is possible that the contents do not immediately
play back, but first a selection menu appears in the display.
• In this case select with the control buttons
the menu item,
which starts playback of the film.
• To start playback of the film press the
PLAY/PAUSE button.
Pause playback
To pause the playback:
• During playback press the button
appears in the display.
The display shows a freeze frame of the scene you have just paused.
• To contine playback of the film press the
PLAY/PAUSE button.
Stop playback (STOP)
To stop playback press the STOP button.
Resume function
If you have cancelled playback of the inserted DVD/VCD/S-VCD by pres-
sing the
STOP button once the DVD automatically saves the position where
playback was interrupted. This function is called the "resume function".
PRE STOP (Preliminary Stop) is shown in the display.
• As soon as you press the
PLAY/PAUSE button again, playback will continue
from the saved position.
• If you press the
STOP button a second time the saved position, at which
you stopped playback, is deleted.
• As soon as you press the
PLAY/PAUSE button again playback of the inserted
DVD/VCD/S-VCD will start from the beginning.
SKIP function (Chapter/Title forward/backward)
This function may not be available on all DVDs/VCDs/S-VCDs! If you
attempt to carry out functions that are not available the message
"INVALID KEY“ appears in the display.
• With the buttons
SKIP DOWN/SKIP UP you can skip, during playback, within
the film on the inserted DVD/VCD/S-VCD backwards to the previous chapter/
title or to the start of the next chapter/title. The display will show PREV
and/or NEXT.
The respectively selected chapter/title will playback immediately.
Search forward/backwards
• Hold the SKIP DOWN/SKIP UP button down briefly during playback to start
a backwards/forwards search.
• Hold the
SKIP DOWN/SKIP UP button down repeatedly to apply the following
search speeds:
During the search no sound will play.
• To continue playback of the film at normal speed from the selected position
press the
PLAY/PAUSE button during the search.
With playback of MPEG4 files the speed of search forward and search
backwards can be limited. This is data dependent and not a device mal-
Slow motion function (DVD, VCD, S-VCD and DivX only)
• Hold the ZOOM/SLOW,button down briefly during playback to set playback
to slow motion. Hold the
ZOOM/SLOW button down repeatedly to apply the
following slow motion speeds:
During slow motion playback no sound will be played.
• To continue playback at normal speed press the
PLAY/PAUSE button during
slow motion playback.
With VCDs, S-VCDs and MPEG4 files slow motion backwards is not
IB_KH6502_EN_LB3.qxd 07.12.2007 8:46 Uhr Seite 12