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KH 498
Proper Use
The hand blender is intended exclusively
for the processing of foodstuffs in small
quantities. It is intended exclusively for
private domestic use only. The hand
blender is not intended for commercial
Note: With the measuring cup ¸ you can
measure amounts of fluids up to 500 ml.
For food processing, fill it to a maximum
of 300 ml, otherwise fluids could over-
flow from ¸ the measuring cup.
• With the hand blender ᕤ, you can pre-
pare dips, sauces, soups or baby food.
Note: Do not use the hand blender for
the preparation of solid foods.
• With the whisk ᕩ , you can whip cream,
beat egg whites and mix pastry, desserts
or mayonnaise.
• With the liquidiser, comprising of the
knife ᕦ and bowl ᕧ, you can liquidise
solid foods.
Note: Do not use the liquidiser for proces-
sing liquids.
ƽ Injury hazard: Only insert the plug
into the power socket after you have
assembled the appliance for use.
To assemble the hand blender
➩ Place the hand blender ᕤ on the
motor unit ᕣ, ensuring that it clicks
in audibly.
Note: The arrows on the motor unit and
the accessory must stand one above the
other .
Assembling the wire whisk
➩ Insert the whisk ᕩ into the whisk
holder ᕨ.
➩ Place the assembled whisk on the
motor unit ᕣ , ensuring that it clicks
in audibly.
Note: The arrows on the motor unit and
the accessory must stand one above the
other .
Assembling the liquidiser
ƽ Warning: The blade is extremely
sharp. Handle it with great care.
➩ Place the blade ᕦ carefully on its
retainer in the bowl ᕧ.
➩ Fill the bowl with the foodstuffs you
wish to liquidise.
➩ Place the lid ᕥ over the vessel and
turn it until tight. Ensure that the lid
lugs are guided into the grooves of
the vessel on the edge.
KH498_IB_UK.qxd 07.04.2006 9:59 Uhr Seite 4