L Information
L Important Guarantee Information
Thank you for deciding to purchase a SilverCrest
product with 36 months‘ guarantee (from the date
of purchase).
Please read the operating instructions carefully be-
fore using your product for the first time.
If in spite of the high level of quality of this device
you should have cause for complaint or a hardware
fault should occur, you have the opportunity of con-
tacting the service hotline (see guarantee card). If it
is not possible to solve the problem by telephone,
the hotline will give you a processing number
(RMA) as well as an address to which you can send
your product to have it repaired under the guarantee.
If you send your product in for repair, please enclose
a copy of the sales receipt. The device must be
packaged in such a way that it is not damaged
during transport and the RMA number must be
readily visible. Any products sent in without an
RMA number cannot be processed.
Note: Your warranty claims are not affected by the
L Importer
Kompernass GmbH
Burgstr. 21
D-44867 Bochum
Subject to technical changes in the interests of further development.