TP-5695 12/93 Troubleshooting 4-3
Engine (Continued)
Problem Possible Cause Corrective Action
Improper cooling Check intake and outlet openings. Check
coolant level and pressure cap. Check raw
water strainer.
Thermostat defective Replace
Sea strainer clogged Clean sea strainer
Carburetor adjustment too lean Adjust carburetor mixture
Engine ignition timing incorrect Adjust timing
Unit is noisy
Exhaust system leak Check exhaust system
Exhaust system not securely installed Check for loose parts
Broken or damaged vibromounts Check vibromounts
No installation clearance (unit hits craft
structure or compartment)
Check clearances
No compartment sound insulation Install approved insulation
Excessive vibration engine/ generator
(internal imbalance)
See authorized Kohler service
Loose or vibrating sheet metal Check shrouds
Electrical System
Problem Possible Cause Corrective Action
Battery will not
Loose or corroded connections Clean and tighten connections
Sulfated or worn-out battery Check electrolyte level and specific gravity
(batteries with filler caps only)
Defective battery charging system Check charging system
Battery charging fuse blown Replace fuse. If fuse blows again see
authorized Kohler service dealer/distributor
Starter does not
Loose or corroded connections Clean and tighten loose connections
work properly
Low battery output Check electrolyte level and specific gravity
(batteries with filler caps only). Check
battery voltage.
Defective starter solenoid Replace starter solenoid
Defective start/stop switch Replace switch
Defective wiring Check wiring
Starter cranks
Low battery output Check electrolyte level and specific gravity
(batteries with filler caps only)
Too heavy viscosity lube oil Use proper viscosity oil
Loose or corroded wiring Clean and tighten loose connections
High starter current draw Rebuild or replace starter
Battery cable undersize See Installation Section--Electrical