Kodak’s Quality Assurance Team conducted a series of comprehensive, competitive benchmark
tests comparing the Kodak i780 Scanner with VRS to the Canon DR-X10C Scanner ISIS. Testing
parameters exceeded normal benchmark tests.
Real-world results: testing results (for dust and contaminants)
Tests performed:
1) Performance of Dust Evasion System
Result—This test was halted when we could not get the Dust Detection System to detect
dust in the scanner during normal operation.
Determine the Dust Particle size needed to trigger the Canon DR-X10C Scanner Dust
Detection System
Result—This test was halted. We could not get dust to trigger the detection system.
Canon DR-X10C Scanner Streak Detection Software
Testing was performed using Dust Detect Modes ON1 and ON2.
Note: Dust Detection occurs prior to scanning the first image.
Canon DR-X10C Scanner Sleep Mode
The scanner has a configurable sleep mode. The settings are 10, 60, and 240 min.
We did not find a way to turn this o.
When the scanner is enabled after waking up from Stand-by Mode, the cleaning
system activates.
Test 1—Description and detailed results
The intent of this test was to seed the imaging area of the Canon DR-X10C Scanner with
a large quantity of naturally made paper dust. Dust was collected from Kodak Scanners
normally used for testing purposes in the QA Lab. Dust was placed on the upper and lower
image paths.
This is a photo of the dust that was seeded in the scanner at the beginning of the test. The
dust was collected from several scanners in the QA Lab. This was not “manufactured” dust.
This photo was taken after the first sheet was scanned. Notice there is little sign of the piles
of dust that had been placed in the scanner.
For more information about testing methodology and
laboratory test results, click here
Return to Real-world environment
Table of Contents
Appendix 5—Real-world environment—Testing methodology and results (dust and contaminants)