A-6 A-61133 March 2003
The amount of film on the reel should not go past the arrows indicated
on the reel; there should be at least a ¼-inch distance from the edge of
the reel to the film.
For correct feeding of film on and off the reel without binding or
damaging the film:
• Pass the film in and out between the flanges (sides) of the reel.
• If the film is pinched by the flanges at any point, have the film
rewound onto a new reel.
Make sure that the reel is not overfilled, as follows:
• If you are using a Kodak Solid Flange Reel, make sure that the film
(when fully rewound) is not above the arrows on the reel’s side.
• If you are using an equivalent reel, check that the film (when fully
rewound) stops at least
/4 in. from the top edges of the reel flanges.
Film leader — ANSI
When using an ANSI magazine, the leader end of the film should meet
the following criteria:
• The leader end should be cut as square as possible (see
• For reliable threading, the first 36 in. (915 mm) should be free of
wrinkles, splices, tears, or holes. The first 72 in. (1830 mm) should
be free of image marks or Image Management Code.
If the film is less than 2.5 mils thick, it should have a leader (preferably 5-
mil polyester) that is at least 36 in. (915 mm) long.
Leading End Cut