A-61555 March 2007 3-11
The exit deflector The exit deflector aids in document stacking. When feeding light-weight
documents, it is suggested that the exit deflector be removed.
The exit deflector can be easily removed by gently pulling it out of the
holding clips. There are three positions that the exit deflector can be
placed in.
• If you are left-edge feeding documents, it is suggested that the exit
deflector be positioned in the left position.
• If you are center feeding documents, it is suggested that the exit
deflector be positioned in the center position.
• If you are right-edge feeding documents, it is suggested that the exit
deflector be positioned in the right position.
NOTE: If you are feeding wider or heavy documents, additional exit
deflectors can be used. Contact your Kodak Field Engineer at
1-800-3KODAK3 (1-800-356-3253) to order additional exit
deflectors (Part No. 3E9575).
Center positionLeft position Right position