
A-61517 October 2004 3-20
Automatic Deskew select this option to automatically deskew a
document within ±0.3 degrees of the document’s leading edge. This
option is not available when you have Fixed to Transport cropping
selected. Automatic Deskew is always enabled when using Aggressive
or Relative to Document cropping.
NOTE: To prevent data loss, the document must have all four corners
within the image path.
X-Offset for Fixed to Transport cropping this is the distance from the
left end of the scanner to the left edge of the scanning area. For Relative
to Document cropping this is the distance from the left edge of the
document to the left edge of the zone. This option is not available if you
use Automatic or Aggressive cropping.
Y-Offset — for Fixed to Transport and Relative to Document cropping
this is the position from the top end of the document to the top end of the
scanning area. This option is not available if you use Automatic or
Aggressive cropping.
Width — the width of the scanning area. This option is not available if
you use Automatic or Aggressive cropping.
Length — the length of the scanning area. If Overscan is not selected,
the scanner will not continue capturing beyond the trail edge of the
document. For example, if you setup the scanner for 8 ½” x 11”
portrait-fed documents, and you scan an 8 ½ x 4” document, the
scanner will return an 8 ½ x 4” scanned area. This option is not available
if you use Automatic or Aggressive cropping.
Center Frame when using Fixed to Transport and Relative cropping,
automatically calculates the x-offset for center-fed feeding based upon
document size selected. This option is not available if you use
Automatic or Aggressive cropping.
Rotate Frame when using Fixed to Transport and Relative cropping,
automatically calculates the offset values based upon feed orientation of
the document size selected (landscape vs. portrait). This option is not
available if you use Automatic or Aggressive cropping.