GE1900 User Manual
Prosilica Inc.
Trouble Shooting
Check the Basics
o Is power available? Check the status LED 1. If the LED is off, the camera is not getting
power. Verify the connections and cabling.
o Is the LED orange? This occurs if the firmware is corrupt because a firmware update was
interrupted. If the LED is orange, run the firmware updater again, carefully following the
instructions. If the problem persists, contact Prosilica.
o Is the LED flashing orange? This indicates a fault with the camera. If this problem persists,
please contact Prosilica.
Test the Camera with the Prosilica Viewer
Download and install the Prosilica Viewer (from http://www.prosilica.com/support.htm).
o Can the Viewer find the camera? Is the camera listed in the main application window or is
the list empty? If the camera is not listed, proceed to Driver Issues.
o Is the image black? If so, check the optics. Check that lens iris is fully open. Check
exposure time - in room lighting, an exposure time of 30ms should be adequate to see an
image. If image is still black, contact Prosilica.
o Is the image white?
• If the camera is in external trigger mode, a snapshot will not complete until a
hardware trigger is received.
• Image data may fail to arrive at the computer if there is a problem with the driver. If
you suspect a driver problem, proceed to Driver Issues.
o Is the image white, but the camera is not waiting for an external trigger? Do you have a lens?
Check your exposure time, offset, and gain controls.
o Does the image occasionally freeze? Test the camera with an alternate Ethernet cable and
card. If the problem persists, contact Prosilica.
• An intermittent connection will result in the loss of image data, but you likely will not
notice a problem when using the camera controls.
Driver Issues
Camera will not trigger
Check cabling and connections. Verify that external trigger circuit is providing a TTL
compatible trigger signal. Use the Prosilica Viewer program in trigger mode to eliminate
possible software issues.