2 - 12 A-41069 January 1993
When using this scheme, the Image Address (IA) assigned to each
document is defined as follows:
• Field A (Level 1) is defined as having a field length greater than zero.
• Field B (Level 2) is defined as having a field length greater than zero.
• Field C (Level 3) is defined as having a field length greater than zero.
• Fixed Field may be defined, if desired.
Let's use the scanning of a book as an example. Assume that the book
contains two sections; Section One contains two chapters, each having
forty (40) pages; Section Two contains only one chapter, having
one-hundred twenty (120) pages.
The Image Address has been defined:
• Field A has three (3) characters.
• Field B has two (2) characters.
• Field C has one (1) character.
• Fixed Field has zero (0) characters.
Three level indexing
Example of three level indexing