A-61120 March 1999 7
Batch/offline method
Use the Batch/Offline method when your primary concern is efficient
use of time, duplicates in the database do not represent a problem,
and there is adequate space in the scanned image database or film
roll for the duplicate images (same images with different sequential
ID numbers and image addresses.)
Follow these steps to use the Batch/Offline method:
1. Remove the stack of successfully scanned documents from the exit
2. Take the last three or four documents from the top of the stack and put
them into the feed tray or at the top of the next stack of documents.
3. Begin scanning the documents.
Under normal operating conditions, only the Multi-Feed Detector
Enable button is illuminated. Following are some reasons why both
Multi-Feed Detector buttons may be continually illuminated and an
E204 error is displayed on the operator interface.
Both Multi-Feed Detector buttons are constantly illuminated:
Condition Cause
Valid multi-feed detection or
the document did not pass
under the document detection
The scanner has encountered a multi-fed document, or
the document missed the sensor. Depending upon the
scanner configuration, the transport will stop and display
an E204 error; just display a warning message or beep
and display a warning message.
• •
• Press the green Run button or either
Multi-Feed Detector
button. This automatically re-enables the Multi-Feed
Calibration out of range During calibration, a document that was too thick was fed.
• •
• Restart the transport and calibrate again.
Auto-zero function incomplete
or out of range
Upon starting the transport, it stops with an E204 error.
• Check to make sure the sensor is not stuck out of
position or the sensor is not retracted.
• •
• Restart the transport.
Only one document goes
through the feeder and returns
an error
Thickness sensor may be mechanically retracted but the
Multi-Feed Detector is enabled.
• •
• Extend the thickness sensor or disable the