Troubleshooting E-9
Reference Guide
Smudged or dark characters
Be sure you are using the correct type of paper for the application.
Make sure the paper is straight and unwrinkled when loading it into the printer.
Prime, clean, calibrate, or replace cartridges.
Try a different print mode.
Improperly formed or misaligned characters
Calibrate cartridges.
Color problems or shadowing
Calibrate cartridges.
Excessive graininess
Perform color deadband compensation. Refer to the Quick Start Guide.
The temperature of the print cartridge affects the size of the dots it prints. When the
cartridge is warmer it produces slightly larger dots than when it is cool. Several things
affect the temperature of the cartridge including the ambient temperature, the number
of dots that have recently been printed and the cartridge heater circuit. This change in
temperature and subsequent spot size causes what is referred to as “ghosting” or
“parasitic suppression”. Ghosting can occur when printing unidirectional if their is an
area in the image in which the cartridge is not firing (i.e. a white box within a filled
area). Since the cartridge cooled down while it wasn’t printing, a light area can appear
adjacent to the non-printed area. This light area is “ghosting”. By using the cartridge
heaters to warm the cartridge in these non-printed areas, the change in temperature and
therefore “ghosting” is minimized.