84 800.367.7393 | www.optp.com
Jenny McConnell, PT, M.
Biomed. Eng., GDMT
developed an innovative
taping and training
method for the
treatment of patellofemoral pain syndrome.
She lectures extensively and conducts
workshops worldwide on the management of
patellofemoral and challenging shoulder
problems. She has authored numerous articles
and contributed to a number of texts on
patella, shoulder and musculoskeletal
roblems.Current research includes an
outcome study on patellofemoral
management. For information on courses,
ontact: McConnell Institute, Phone:
(800) 549-6998 www.mcconnell-institute.com
EnduraSPORTS Tape
This beige, super-rigid, high-adhesive tape is designed to
support joints under maximum stress. As the body warms up,
the specially formulated zinc-oxide heat-sensitive adhesive is
triggered to ensure secure adhesion, even with perspiration,
water or cold weather. One roll is 1½" x 15 yds. Contains latex.
EnduraSPORTS Tape/case of 30 rolls (#353C) .
EnduraSPORTS Tape/tube of 3 rolls (#353T) .
EnduraFIX Tape
This white, hypoallergenic x tape may be used under
EnduraSPORTS Tape on shoulders and knees, or used alone
on shoulders and back. Soft and stretchy, EnduraFIX provides
extra comfort and protection, especially on sensitive skin. One roll is 2" x 10.9 yds. Latex free.
EnduraFIX Tape/case of 24 rolls (#357C) .
EnduraFIX Tape/single roll (#357R) .
Each EnduraKIT contains one roll each of EnduraSPORTS
Tape and EnduraFIX Tape.
EnduraKIT/case of 10 (#360C) .
EnduraKIT/single (#360K) .
The Patella: A Team Approach
Ronald P. Grelsamer, MD, and Jenny
McConnell, PT, GDMT, provide a rational
strategy for diagnosis with a step-by-step
guide to the history and physical examination.
Learn about imaging studies and the many
causes of patellar pain without malalignment.
The text teaches a hands-on approach to team
treatment with guidance in the McConnell
Taping Technique, practical application of
surface electromyography, the “ins and outs”
of orthotics, and insights from renowned
experts. Illustrated Hardcover, 273 pages.
The Patella: A Team Approach (#8672) .
Physical Rehabilitation of the Injured Athlete
Get your patients back in the game! This 3rd edition, compiled by
Andrews, MD, Harrelson, ATC, and Wilk, PT, includes chapter contributions
by 28 clinically active orthopedists, therapists and athletic trainers. Gain a
fresh perspective on the most current protocols, new surgical techniques
and unique considerations for the female athlete. Rehabilitation and
exercises are covered for all types of sports injuries, stressing the
treatment of the entire kinetic chain. New chapters on Proprioception &
Neuromuscular Control, Cervical Spine Rehabilitation, Functional
Training, and Plyometrics. Illustrated. Hardcover
Physical Rehabilitation of the Injured Athlete/3rd ed. (#838-3) .
Special Tests for Orthopedic Examination
This edition by Konin, et al. is completely updated with over 150 special
tests for sports-related and non-athletic orthopedic injuries. It has
detailed descriptions of each special test component: test positioning,
action, and positive ndings. The tests are organized by regions of the
body for easier reference. Illustrated. Softcover, over 300 pages.
Special Tests for Orthopedic Examination/3rd ed. (#8655-3) .