N o t e s
Also, Kidde makes no warranty, express or implied,
written or oral, including that of
merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose,
with respect to the battery.
The above warranty may not be altered except in
writing signed by both parties hereto.
This Kidde Combination Smoke & CO Alarm is not a
substitute for property, fire, disability, life or other
insurance of any kind. Appropriate insurance coverage
is your responsibility. Consult your insurance agent.
Removal of the front cover will void the warranty.
NOTE: This alarm is not intended to alert hearing
impaired individuals.
During the specified warranty period Kidde will repair or
replace, at its discretion any defective Kidde C o m b i n a t i o n
Smoke & CO Alarms that are re t u r ned in a postage paid
package to the following address: Kidde, Customer Service
Department, 130 Esna Park Drive, Markham ON L3R 1E3.
Please include your name, address and phone number
along with a brief description of what is wrong with the
unit. For further assistance please call our toll fre e
Consumer Hotline at
1 - 8 0 0 - 8 8 0 - 6 7 8 8
. Damage from neglect,
abuse or failure to adhere to any of the enclosed
instructions will result in termination of the warranty, and
the unit will not be replaced or re p a i re d .
The model numbers are:
KN-COSM-IBCA (with battery backup)
KN-COSM-ICA (without battery backup)
This manual and the products described herein are
copyrighted, with all rights reserved. Under these copyright
laws, no part of this manual may be copied for use without
the written consent of Kidde. If you re q u i re further
i n f o r mation please contact out Consumer Hotline at:
1 - 8 0 0 - 8 8 0 - 6 7 8 8
, or write us at: Kidde, Customer Service
Department, 130 Esna Park Drive, Markham ON L3R 1E3.
Our internet address is www.kidde.ca
Wa r r a n t y
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