"HI" gives the highest cooking power possible with your oven,+It is the recommended setting for cooking foods with high
mols tqre content or for cooking foods that need fast cooking to maintain their natural flavor and texture+ Many foods
need slower cooking (at less than full power) in order to give you the best results. Inaddition to"HI" there are ninety-nine
multi-power settings+ The cookbook tells you which power setting is recommended for the food being cooked,
To Cook
(Remove metal rack. place ceramic tray in oven.)
1. Touch CLEAR, and a beep tone will be heard. The
CLEAR erasesall previous settings, Placefood in
oven, then dose the door.
2, Touch MICRO TIME. The lights above TIME and
MICRO, below COOK 1 _l! 9o on+("0" _[l show in
thedisplay window+)
3+Touch the correct numbers on the control panel to
set the cooking time_The time set wgl show in the
display window at the top oithe control panel For
o To set 30 seconds, you woutd touch "3" and then
. To set 3 minutes, touch "3", "0" and "0".
= To sat 3-1/2 minutes, touch "3", "3" and "0"+
Remember, the timer is a digital clock that is divided
into 60 seconds Therefore, I/2 minute is equal to 30
seconds. Touch 30 and not 50 (as with a catcutator_
to indicate 1/2
4. Touch MICRO POtArER. The lights above MICRO
and below COOK 1will go on. Also, the word "Hi"
will show in the display window until a lower setting
is entered This is to tell you that the oven will be
operating on "HI" unless a different power setting is
5° Touch numbers for desired cooking power level. For
example, if the recipe calls for cooking at the "20
(LOW)" setting, you wouldtouch"2" and "0". The
display' window_IIshow "20': Th_smeansthat
the LOW setting, the oven is cooking at power level
NOTE: It isnot necessaryto touch MICRO POWER
when cooking with the highest power ("Hi")+ To set
"HI-POWER" cooking,skipsteps4 and5above,
However, ifMICRO POWER is touched, thelight
aboveMICRO wfflgo onand theword "HI" _ show
in the display window+Thisis to letyou know that the
ovenwillbeoperatingon "HI" power unlessa different
power setting ischosen,
6+ Touch START., The oven begins to cook and the
display window will show the time counting down.
A tone will sound and the word "End" will show in
the display window for two seconds when the
cooking time is completed+ Then the oven _ shut
itself off.
EXAMPLE: To warm 4 doughnuts, you would cook at
power level 80 or "80 (REHEAT)" for 35 seconds. To
do this, follow these six steps.
1. Touch CLEAR,
2. Touch MICRO TIME,
Place doughnuts in oven,
then close the door,
3_Set 35 secondsby touching __
"3" and then"5". "35" will
show in the display window.
4. Touch MICRO POWER. '_--.___.-.
'The display window will show
5. Choose the "B0 (REHEAT)" _
setting by touching the num-
bers "8" and "0"o The display
window will show "80". This
means the oven is cooking at
power level80+
6, Touch START. The oven
begins to cook and the time
will begin to count down in
the display window,,
A tone will sound and the
word "End" will show in the
display window for 2 seconds
when the 1-1/2 minutes are
over,, Then the oven v_ll shut
itself off,.
NOTE: If you want to keep the
food warm after finishing the
cooking,you can use "Hold
Warm" feature. For detaged
instructions on using"Hold
Warm" feature,see page 16,