Measure ingredients accurately, using
a good set of measuring cups and
spoons or a scale. Make sure to level
all dry ingredients when measuring.
Inaccurate measurements could cause..
unexpected results,
Be precise in measuring water.
Use fresh ingredients.
Since moisture is an enemy to flour,
be sure to store flour in an airtight
To keep yeast active, store it_inan
airtight container in the refrigerator,
DO NOT use yeast if the date code
on the packet has expired.
We recommend using bread flour for
baking with this bread machine. There
are white, whole wheat and blended
bread flours. If you cannot find bread
flour, "all-purpose" flour is an accept-
able substitute.
if you are baking a whole grain, rye,
oat, or pumpernickel bread, and
cannot find bread flour or all-
purpose flour, you will need to add
gluten to the recipe, Why?
Because heavy, hard flours such as
stone ground whole wheat and dark
rye need a "boost" of protein to
allow them to knead and rise.
Gluten is available at most large
grocery chains in the baking section,
The manufacturers directions for
measurements should be followed.
if you are using a heavy stone
ground whole wheat flour for a 2 lb.
recipe (4-4 t/2 cups), you will need
to add 1/3 cup of gluten to the dry
1, 2, 3! 1, 2, 3!
Remember, always put your ingredi-
ents into the Bread Pan in this order:
1. Wet-- water, milk, oils.fats
Dry -- salt, powdered milk,
grains, sugar, flour
Yeast -- do not use yeast past
expiration date.
When using Timer, we recommend set-
ting it for as short a time as possible.
Because ingredients are partially com-
bined in the Bread Pan, the dough may
tend to deteriorate if left too many hours,
especially on a warm or humid day,
Keep Lid closed during Baking cycle.
Opening it excessively causes uneven
After cooling and slicing bread, store it
in a plastic bag or plastic wrap to pre-
vent it from drying out.