Now one can choose the channel to be measured:
Generally there are different possibilities offered as to how a measurement channel can be chosen
1. Selection of programme through programme name
1.1. Press “Chan.Tab“ to select the desired channel table
1.2. Enter the desired programme name in the entry fi eld “Prog.Name“ (the programme name is automati-
cally completed)
2. Selection of programme through channel number
2.1. Press “Chan.Tab“ to select the desired channel table
2.2. Use “Prog.Number“ to enter the desired programme position
3. Selection of programme through channel
3.1. Press “Chan.Tab“ to select the desired channel table
3.2. The desired channel can be selected in the “Channel“ menu
4. Selection of programme through frequency
4.1. Press “Chan.Tab“ to select the desired channel table
4.2. The desired frequency can be set in the entry fi eld “Frequency“
4.3 The frequency entered is automatically corrected to the appropriate video carrier frequency or channel
centre frequency. Use the “<“ and “>“ keys to fi ne-tune the frequency
If “Couple Chan“ is set to “TO STAND“ in the “PREFERENCES“ menu, all other parameters (Standard, Map-
ping, Symbol Rate etc.) are automatically set. To set the parameters individually, go to the “PREFERENCES“
menu and change the setting “Couple Chan“ to “NOT COUP.“
In order to carry out a measurement after one has successfully selected the desired channel, one now has to
select the required measurement instrument using the hard-key
- the measurement instrument being
selected from the list in the displayed on-screen menu.
The following measurements or measurement instruments can be selected:
Submenu for settings (preferences), channel list editing, DiSEqC
Spectrum analyser
Constellation analyser
Impulse / Refl ection measurement (exclusively for DVB-T)
Read in MPEG stream, MPEG monitor
Memory oscilloscope
Summary measurements, simultaneous measurement of RF signal level, S/N, MER, BER, HUM and video voltage
Display of video, video text display
Settings for diverse outputs (ASI, TS parallel, Video)