Selecting the type of spray
The handgun must be closed.
Rotate the housing of the nozzle until the
desired symbol corresponds with the
High-pressure pencil jet
for particularly stubborn accu-
mulation of grime.
Low-pressure fan jet
for operating with detergent or
cleaning with negligible pressu-
High-pressure fan jet
for dirt accumulation over a lar-
ge surface.
Operating with detergent
Unsuitable detergents can harm the
cleaner and the object which is to be cleaned.
Use only detergents which are released by
Kärcher. Proportions of detergent to be used
and accompanying instructions should be not-
ed carefully. Use detergents sparingly out of
consideration for the environment.
Kärcher cleaning agents guarantee trouble-
free operation. Please seek advice or ask for
our catalogue of information sheets on clean-
ing agents.
Put the detergent bottle into the bottle hold-
er at the appliance or place detergent can
next to the appliance. Two different deter-
gents can be placed in the appliance at the
same time.
Pull out the cleaning agent suction hose
and immerse the filter in the cleaning agent
Screw on the screw cap on the bottle or can.
Set nozzle to .
Set the detergent dosage
valve to the desired detergent
and the desired concentration.
Recommended cleaning
Spray detergent with low pressure jet spar-
ingly over the dry surface to be cleaned and
let it take effect but not dry out.
Spray off (rinse off) the loosened dirt using
the high-pressure spray.
After use immerse filter in clean water.
Turn metering valve to maximum cleaning
agent concentration setting. Start unit and
rinse through for one minute.
Interrupting the operation
Release lever of the handgun, the unit
switches off. Retract lever again and the
unit switches on again.
Switching the unit off
Set unit switch to "0" and pull out power plug.
Close water inlet.
Retract lever until the unit is without pres-
Actuate the handgun's safety catch to se-
cure the handgun lever from accidentally
being triggered.
Transporting the cleaner
To transport the appliance over long dis-
tances use the push handle to pull the ap-
When carrying the appliance always use
the handle, not the push handle.
Prior to a transport in the horizontal position
remove the detergent bottles from the bottle
holder and close them.