HD 4000 C / HD 6000 C
5.956-648 A10369 (06/98)
G. System Installation
1. Placement
The system must be installed in dry indoor
surroundings free from explosion hazard.
The components shall be placed on firm
and level ground, and the system must be
easily accessible for the purpose of
maintenance procedures. The room
temperature must not exceed 40 °C.
Additional height-over-floor obtained
through the use of the component feet
(140 mm length) facilitates maintenance ac-
cess. In the absence of sufficient space the
elastic feet can be used by themselves.
2. Connections
The water and waste-water connections, as
well as the connection with the electrical
mains network may only be carried out by
licensed and authorised professional
contractors pursuant to local regulations. In
the Federal Republic of Germany the
following regulations apply:
n VDMA guideline, standardised leaflet
24416 “Fixed-Installation High-Pressure
Cleaning Systems”
n VDE Regulations (VDE = Professional
Association of German Electricians)
n Regulations issued by local utility
Both the required water supply and the
electrical mains network connection must
be configured for permanent operation. The
specified connective load values are stated
in the Specifications.
The water supply must be equipped with a
shutoff valve, and must be connected with
the high-pressure by means of a flexible
high-pressure hose. Insufficient supply line
cross section or insufficient admission
pressure will result in water starvation.
To prevent pump damage, a low-water
condition will automatically result in system
In the event of excessive admission
pressure or the occurrence of pressure
peaks in the mains network, the installation
of a pressure regulator upstream of the
system is mandatory.
The motor cooling circuit within the system
requires a separate cold-water connection.
A water drain must be present at the
installation site.
3. High-pressure Installation
The link between the fixed-installation pipe
network and the system must be executed
in the form of a flexible high-pressure hose
The permanent pipe network installation
must consist of as many straight runs as
possible. All high-pressure tubing must be
installed pursuant to regulations, using
vibration-dampened strain relief and fixed
pipe or tubing clamps, while allowing for
longitudinal expansion/contraction due to
the effects of temperature and pressure.
To keep pressure losses in the high-
pressure lines as low as possible, the
following recommendations should be used
as mandatory guidelines:
Tubing line Hose size
1000 L/h NW 10 (3/8") NW 8
2000 L/h NW 15 (1/2") NW 12
3000 L/h NW 15 (1/2") NW 12
4000 L/h NW 20 (3/4") NW 16
6000 L/h NW 25 (1") NW 20
It should be understood that the above
guidelines still require additional allowances
for the overall tubing length, the number of
directional changes and armatures.