
Setting Zoom Limit of Intelligent Tracking for VN-V685/686/686B
Format /api/param?camera.motion.auto_tracking(2).zoom_limit=data
Example of Response camera.motion.auto_tracking(2).zoom_limit&202
Interpretation Change zoom limit of Intelligent Tracking. In VN-V686 before v1.02, this API is not available. This
is valid when tracking zoom setting is on. Specify value from 1.00 to 21.37. The change is saved by the API,
camera.status=save. If the change is not saved, the setting is restored by reboot.
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting Maximum Zoom of Intelligent Tracking from VN-V685/686/686B
Format /api/param?camera.motion.auto_tracking(2).max_zoom
Example of response camera.motion.auto_tracking(2).max_zoom=21.37&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire maximum zoom of Intelligent Tracking. In VN-V686 before v1.02, this API is not available.
Zoom limit can not be bigger than maximum zoom. Value from 1.00 to 21.37 is returned.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting Maximum Zoom of Intelligent Tracking for VN-V685/686/686B
Format /api/param?camera.motion.auto_tracking(2).max_zoom=data
Example of Response camera.motion.auto_tracking(2).max_zoom&202
Interpretation Change maximum zoom of Intelligent Tracking. In VN-V686 before v1.02, this API is not available.
Zoom limit can not be bigger than maximum zoom. Specify value from 1.00 to 21.37. The change is saved by the API,
camera.status=save. If the change is not saved, the setting is restored by reboot.
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting Threshold of Intelligent Tracking from VN-V685/686/686B
Format /api/param?camera.motion.auto_tracking(2).threshold.hsv
Example of response camera.motion.auto_tracking(2).threshold.hsv=40-40-40&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire threshold of Intelligent Tracking. 2 APIs for getting HSV threshold and YUV threshold are
availble. In case of HSV, H is from 0 to 180, S/V is from 0 to 255. In case of RGB, R/G/B is from 0 to 255.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting Threshold of Intelligent Tracking for VN-V685/686/686B
Format /api/param?camera.motion.auto_tracking(2).threshold.hsv=h-s-v