Variable-speed fan automati-
cally speeds up or slows down,
operating only as needed
to keep things cool. Helps
conserve power and fuel,
while reducing noise.
Air isn’t blown into the coolers,
so engine and transmission
reach operating temperatures
more quickly in cold weather.
Warm fl uids fl ow easier, helping
extend component life, too.
Programmable fan automati-
cally reverses to help eliminate
cooler-clogging buildup. Or
press a button on the dash
to actuate cleaning cycles as
With the fan positioned just
behind the grille, coolers are
less vulnerable to damage.
Hinged grille opens wide for
convenient clean-out.
Suction fan is more effi cient
than blower designs, eliminat-
ing the need for oversize
coolers. There’s no need for
a radiator screen to decrease
tube erosion, either.
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East Moline, IL 61244
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